
July 10, 2015

Rite of Passage

What does it mean to be an “adult”?

How do you know when you become an adult?

Our culture says adulthood is the right to consume alcohol, watch “adult” movies and use “adult” language.   We have an entire culture of young people that crave significance, yet live in a time of confusion, violence and immorality.  How do they find their way out of “teenage never-never land” to become Godly adults, able to lead the church of the future?

It is common throughout the Bible for people to receive their life calling and accomplish great things for the Lord while they are in their teen years.  It is clear in Scripture that young people are a vital part of the church’s present and future effectiveness.*

What is an intergenerational church?

We often confuse “intergenerational” with multi and cross-generational. Intergenerational is not a program or a new ministry. InterGenerational is an “environment” that intentionally grows relationships that cross generational boundaries and ways of thinking normally associated with one age group or another.
The greatest role model for “intergenerational” ministry is the family. By design and God’s plan, the family is intended to be intergenerational.**
Chuck Stecker: Founder of A Chosen Generation Ministries

The Rite of Passage Ceremony

Ceremony: October 18th – During 10am Celebration

Parents’ Informational Meeting: September 13th – Immediately following our 10am Celebration

Restoration is excited to offer this significant opportunity for our young adults. We approach this as a two-sided commitment. As a church, we commit ourselves to transforming young men and women into disciples of Jesus Christ. The actual ceremony we’ll be conducting on Sunday, October 18th culminates with the Father’s Blessing – an impartation from parents (guardians or spiritual parents) given to the young adult. The morning will end with a celebration! Our Rite of Passage Ceremony is not a secretive, closed ritual but a very public and intentional way to honor and encourage our sons and daughters entering adulthood!

Ready to participate? If you are at least 13 years of age or the parent of a young person in that category then this opportunity is for you! CLICK HERE  to let us know of your interest.

*Text Reformatted from Organization **Read Full Article

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