
March 7, 2021

RESET: Part 1: The Transfer (Notes)

“Be brave and strong! Don’t be afraid of the nations on the other side of the Jordan. The Lord your God will always be at your side, and he will never abandon you.  7 Then Moses called Joshua up in front of the crowd and said: Joshua, be brave and strong as you lead these people into their land. The Lord made a promise long ago to Israel’s ancestors that this land would someday belong to Israel. That time has now come, and you must divide up the land among the people. 8 The Lord will lead you into the land. He will always be with you and help you, so don’t ever be afraid of your enemies.”

Deut 31: 6-8 (CEV)

Joshua’s job was to lead the people – but it was THEIR land, not his.

“…bring Joshua to the sacred tent, and I will appoint him the leader of Israel.”

Deut. 31:14 (CEV) 

There are sacred moments – burning bush encounters – that mark and change you forever.  Or there SHOULD be.  

At some point you must live for something bigger than YOU.

Moses and Joshua, I am going to give you the words to a new song. Write them down and teach the song to the Israelites. If they learn it, they will know what I want them to do, and so they will have no excuse for not obeying me. 20 I am bringing them into the land that I promised their ancestors. It is a land rich with milk and honey, and the Israelites will have more than enough food to eat. But they will get fat and turn their backs on me and start worshiping other gods. The Israelites will reject me and break the agreement that I made with them.

Deut. 31:19 -20

We must learn the song of the Father’s heart and sing it often.

“To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart and to sing it to them when they have forgotten.”

— Arne Garborg

The Lord told Joshua, “Be brave and strong! I will help you lead the people of Israel into the land that I have promised them.”

Deut. 31:23 (CEV) 

The Law isn’t empty words. It can give you a long life in the land that you are going to take.”

Deut. 32:47(CEV) 

They WERE going to take the land.  It was a certainty…because the Lord had determined it.  All they had to do was cooperate.

Descendants of Joseph, the Lord will bless you with precious water from deep wells and with dew from the sky.14 Month by month, your fruit will ripen in the sunshine.15 You will have a rich harvest from the slopes of the ancient hills.16 The Lord who appeared in the burning bush wants to give you the best the land can produce, and it will be a princely crown on Joseph’s head. 

Deut. 33:13-16 (CEV) 

Joseph – “He will add”

Moses was a hundred twenty years old when he died, yet his eyesight was still good, and his body was strong.

Deut. 34:7 (CEV) 

Before Moses died, he had placed his hands on Joshua, and the Lord had given Joshua wisdom. The Israelites paid attention to what Joshua said and obeyed the commands that the Lord had given Moses.

Deut.34:9 (CEV) 

“I will always be with you and help you as I helped Moses, and no one will ever be able to defeat you.”

Joshua 1:5 (CEV) 

“So be strong and brave! Be careful to do everything my servant Moses taught you. Never stop reading The Book of the Law he gave you. Day and night you must think about what it says. If you obey it completely, you and Israel will be able to take this land.”

Joshua 1:7-8 (CEV) 

I’ve commanded you to be strong and braveDon’t ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

The RESET requires those who KNOW their God, are given wholly to His purposes and remember that He will be with you wherever you go!

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