
Sunday Morning Notes

God Encounters: Unconventional (Notes, May 30)

1 From Galilee, Jesus returned to Jerusalem to observe one of the Jewish feasts. 2 Inside the city, near the Sheep Gate, there is a pool called in Aramaic, The House of Loving Kindness, surrounded by five covered porches. 3 Hundreds of sick people were lying under the covered porches—the paralyzed, the blind, and the crippled—all of them […]

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God Encounters: Peter (Part 1, Notes)

On one occasion, Jesus was preaching to a crowd on the shore of Lake Galilee. A vast multitude of people was pushing to get close to Jesus to hear the word of God. 2 He noticed two fishing boats at the water’s edge, with the fishermen nearby, rinsing their nets. 3 Jesus climbed into […]

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Resurrection Sunday, 2021 (Notes)

One day, Joshua was near Jericho when he saw a man standing some distance in front of him. The man was holding a sword, so Joshua walked up to him and asked, “Are you on our side or on our enemies’ side?” 14 “Neither,” he answered. “I am here because I […]

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