

Good God (Part 2 Notes)

You can’t give right unless you have the right heart.  God’s the master. I’m his servant. Sowing & reaping doesn’t work until we get our hearts right. “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father […]

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What Does Recurring Giving Mean?

Recurring is ideal! It’s great for someone tithing (what’s tithing?) on a set salary or if you give the same amount every time. The Set Up is Easy! Designate the frequency, dollar amount, and payment form. It is more convenient for you and helps Restoration predict budgets. Start Today!

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Bacon, Eggs & Burkas

I was sitting in my usual restaurant spot early on a Sunday morning – the place I go just before heading to the church. It’s my personal sanctuary as I review my notes one last time, collect my thoughts and fuel my tank before heading into a busy morning of activity in […]

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