
February 15, 2016

Guests of Restoration: Hoss Jack

Restoration is Honored to Feature Hoss Jack.

“Hoss Jack”, as he is known, hails from Carry the Kettle Nakota Nation in Saskatchewan, Canada. Through the prayers of his mother, father and a local pastor, Hoss Jack was brought back to life after a death experience as a boy. At age 12 he committed his life to God and has been serving Him faithfully for the past 40+ years. Along with his beautiful bride, Johanna, they travel across Canada and the U.S. preaching and proclaiming God’s word. He has traveled by plane, snowmobile and boat to reach remote islands and communities with the Good News.

Throughout his ministry Hoss Jack has witnessed many miracles and healings. God has used him as an ambassador to the nations. Listen to this fantastic podcast from our latest weekend experience as Pastor Tim interviews Hoss Jack.

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One Comment on “Guests of Restoration: Hoss Jack

Pastor Winston Williams
April 19, 2022 at 9:00 am

Pastor Jack would you kindly respond back to myself email is attached. Blessings.


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