
Finding Your Next Step

There is a step for every person and journey!

Growth Track

You’re very first step at Restoration is joining our Growth Track. The Growth Track is a four week small group that are designed to show you the heart of our church and how you can begin to be a part of it, as well as being a catalyst to help you become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. 

Get Started Now!
Water Baptism

A Statement of Your Faith in Jesus Christ.

At Restoration, we believe EVERY follower of Jesus should get baptized as a public profession and celebration of their great decision!

Sign Up for our Next Baptism Celebration Now

We don’t have members, we have owners. Owners take leadership of problems and step up with solutions!

Join the Pioneering Cause Today
A Vision to Make Restoration the Best Yet

We strive for excellence in everything we do and Restoration is powered by a huge team of volunteers every week to make each Celebration the BEST YET. Whether it is assisting visitors in the parking lot or investing in  the next generation, each position is crucial to making Restoration happen every week!

Ready to join one of our exciting teams and make a difference?

Get Started