
March 28, 2021

RESET (Part 3, Notes, 3/28/2021)

“and they commanded the people, saying, ‘When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God with the Levitical priests carrying it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it. 4 However, there shall be a distance between you and it of about two thousand cubits by measurement. Do not come near it, so that you may know the way by which you shall go, for you have not passed this way before.’”

Joshua 3:3 (NASB)

We must let Him lead!

It was the tenth day of the first month of the year when Israel crossed the Jordan River. They set up camp at Gilgal, which was east of the land controlled by Jericho. 20 The men who had carried the twelve rocks from the Jordan brought them to Joshua, and they made them into a monument. 21 Then Joshua told the people:

Years from now your children will ask you why these rocks are here. 22-23 Tell them, “The Lord our God dried up the Jordan River so we could walk across. He did the same thing here for us that he did for our people at the Red Sea, 24 because he wants everyone on earth to know how powerful he is. And he wants us to worship only him.”

Joshua 4:19-24 (CEV)

While Israel was camped at Gilgal, the Lord said, “Joshua, make some flint knives and circumcise the rest of the Israelite men and boys.”  3 Joshua made the knives, then circumcised those men and boys at Haaraloth Hill. 4-7 This had to be done, because none of Israel’s baby boys had been circumcised during the forty years that Israel had wandered through the desert after leaving Egypt.And why had they wandered for forty years? It was because right after they left Egypt, the men in the army had disobeyed the Lord. And the Lord had said, “None of you men will ever live to see the land that I promised Israel. It is a land rich with milk and honey, and someday your children will live there, but not before you die here in the desert.”8 Everyone who had been circumcised needed time to heal, and they stayed in camp.9 The Lord told Joshua, “It was a disgrace for my people to be slaves in Egypt, but now I have taken away that disgrace.” So the Israelites named the place Gilgal, and it still has that name.10 Israel continued to camp at Gilgal in the desert near Jericho, and on the fourteenth day of the same month, they celebrated Passover.

11-12 The next day, God stopped sending the Israelites manna to eat each morning, and they started eating food grown in the land of Canaan. They ate roasted grain and thin bread made of the barley they had gathered from nearby fields.

Joshua 5:2-12 (CEV)

As we enter this new era the Lord is circumcising hearts.

“True circumcision is something that happens deep in your heart, not something done to your body.”

Romans 2:29 (CEV)

We must demonstrate, model and lead our sons and daughters into their spiritual inheritance.

We must be committed to our own healing – and surrender to the vulnerability of admitting our own need – before entering into battle.

“The blessings of Passover—one of the most significant Feasts of the Lord—hold the keys to unlocking the inheritance that the adversary wants to keep hidden from you. He knows that when believers access their inheritance, they will experience a release of revelation and authority that produces breakthrough, rendering him powerless in their lives.”

– Rabbi Curt Landry

Let’s start possessing our possessions!

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