
Can You Bear the Weight

Weight of Inheritance

Can You Bear the Weight - A Restoration Series

“Those who believe that they are the owners of Jerusalem today will not find a single tree to hide behind tomorrow.” – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Turkey) Romans 11:1-24 (TPT) So then I ask you this question: did God really push aside and reject his people? Absolutely not! For I myself am a Jew, a descendant of Abraham, […]

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Nothing but Net (Can You Bear the Weight, PT 3)

Nothing but Net - Can You Bear the Weight | Restoration Series

God has a BIG plan for you! Are you willing to surrender it all to HIM? We all have a purpose and plan designed by God to rule over the Earth – but are we willing cast our nets, or our man-made tools and plans, towards his divine intentions? Restoration […]

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