

Are You Ready? Going Places (PT 4)

Going Places

Is the apostolic leadership you are aligned with going in a direction that enables you to answer your calling? 400 years.  That’s how long the children of Israel had experienced captivity in Egypt.  You’d think they’d be ready to go and grateful for their deliverance!  But watch what happens as they get […]

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Restoration Stories from Togo

Restoration Stories in Togo

Pastor Tim & Krista had an AMAZING experience in Togo! Pastor Tim & Krista’s BIG points to today’s message… Honor Appreciation Joy Faith Sacrifice Influence Serving Restoration’s heart doesn’t JUST stretch to Togo… hear more stories of what the Lord is doing internationally in San Cristobal! Your Generosity Makes a Difference – Support the Vision of […]

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Good God, Significant You (This is What We Do: Part 1)

This is What We Do!

This is what we do… a new summer series kicking off! Restoration is starting its biggest season to date! Pastor Tim kicks off the summer with a series diving deeper into who we are as a community of Jesus followers – it’s what we do… God is Good Hebrews 11:6 (AMP) […]

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JESUS Center Stage (Easter 2017)

Jesus Center Stage

Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus! Read Luke 24:1-12 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of […]

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An Unusual Place & Position (JESUS Center Stage, PT 2)

Jesus Center Stage

Today we continue the series “Jesus Center Stage” and the Story of the Upside Tree. Recall from last week – this mammoth tree was plucked from the ground and shaken violently – clear of all rocks and debris and replanted it. But not in the usual way. The tree was transplanted in an […]

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Setting the Stage (JESUS Center Stage, PT 1)

Jesus Center Stage

We are giving Jesus Center Stage… right here in our own backyard. Jesus makes the difference in people’s lives. When Jesus walked the earth He couldn’t do many miracles in His own hometown because of people’s familiarity. We know Jesus… But Jesus wants to do miracles right here in our own […]

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EnJOYing People (unlock JOY – PT1)

unlock JOY!

‘The JOY of the Lord is your STRENGTH…’ Today’s American culture needs a JOY boost. Now is the time to unleash your strength and UNLOCK JOY! Read PHILIPPIANS 1:3-11 (NIV) I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because […]

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