
November 10, 2019



  • UNITY 

INFLUENCE – In this 7th season we declare that Restoration will walk in greater measures of influence and favor with God and man.  We will experience greater opportunities to increase Kingdom impact in ALL 7 mountains of influence – Faith, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business – not for OUR fame or glory but for YOUR glory, oh God – in Jesus’ name!

“A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.”

Proverbs 18:16 (NKJV)

“What you were designed to be known for is your gift. God has put a gift or talent in every person that the world will make room for.  It is this gift that will enable you to fulfill your vision. It will make a way for you in life. It is in exercising this gift that you will find real fulfillment, purpose, and contentment in your work.”

Dr. Miles Monroe

What is influence?

  1. It is about people.
  2. It is about all of life.
  3. It is about priorities.
  4. It is about values.
  5. It is about time.
  6. It is about character.
  • Paul: Believe in something bigger than yourself.
  • Nehemiah: Build on what God has given you.
  • Joshua: Bring the best people to the table.
  • Barnabas: Bridge the gaps of differing opinions.
  • Moses: Blind your eyes to petty criticism.
  • Elijah: Bind the ties of love and courage.
  • Peter: Bounce back after you are knocked down.

The influence of Joseph

  1. Principled – he had character and integrity. He was honest. He was tempted at multiple times, and he resisted.
  2. Humble – the power and prestige of his position working for Pharaoh never changed him.
  3. Disciplined – Joseph had the proper long term perspective, even while in jail for a crime he didn’t commit.
  4. Faithfulness – while in jail and throughout all of the turmoil, Joseph remained faithful to God and never wavered from his commitment to follow Him.
  5. Grace – Joseph showed grace and mercy to his brothers, even though they had sold him into slavery.
  6. Competence – he did his job with excellence. Whether as a servant, or the interpreter of Pharaoh’s dream, or as the manager of the family sheep flock.
  7. Wise – Joseph was wise beyond his years. He was 30 when he stepped in to help set up Egypt for the famine, and demonstrated a seasoned perspective with decision after decision.
  8. Strategic – Joseph was a planner. He instructed the officials to prepare for a famine, even though it was years away, gathering up food to store up, even during the seven years of “plenty.”

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